What Is the Juul Lawsuit?

There are few things more important than protecting the health and wellness of your children. One major threat facing young children today is the prevalence of vaping and nicotine use in middle school and high school. Years of deceptive advertising have convinced millions of people that there aren’t any significant health risks associated with e-cigarette use, despite the fact that they pose many of the same risks as traditional cigarettes. Fortunately, there may be legal repercussions for the companies promoting these products soon. If you want to know more about the legal situation involving Juul products specifically, read on to learn about the Juul lawsuit.

What is the current litigation against Juul about?


Though there is growing awareness about the current Juul lawsuit, many people still don’t know much about it or whether or not they may be eligible to file a claim. Any parent of a child under the age of 18 who has endured injuries, illness, addiction, or other adverse health effects that were caused by the use of Juul products can file a lawsuit on behalf of their child. Young adults over the age of 18 who have sustained Juul-related injuries may also be able to file a lawsuit. If you fit into either of those categories, it’s a good idea to get in touch with legal representation as soon as you can.

Studies have linked Juul products to a range of negative health effects including addiction, cardiovascular disease, heart attack or heart problems, lung or respiratory failure, mental health and behavioral conditions, pregnancy complications and birth defects, nicotine poisoning, seizures, strokes, thoughts of suicide, and many other additional complications. It’s hard to overstate the risks of using nicotine products, especially at a young age.

Individuals, especially young people, may have been led to believe through Juul’s advertising or other media depictions that using Juul pods or vaping with e-cigarette products was substantially safer than smoking. Unfortunately, Juul’s products still contain nicotine and thus, carry many of the same health risks as smoking a traditional cigarette. The Juul lawsuit is aimed at providing young people and their families the compensation they’re entitled to as a result of Juul’s negligence.

Why is nicotine use so harmful to young people?


It’s important for parents and children to learn about the dangers of using nicotine, especially at a young age. Even though smoking has declined in popularity, the use of tobacco products has remained consistent due to the popularity of vape products like those manufactured by Juul. In 2015, over 3 million middle and high school students said they used e-cigarettes. That number has only increased since then, as the CDC reports that over 4 million high school students alone admitted to e-cigarette use.

Studies have shown that nicotine can be particularly harmful to the adolescent brain. Specifically, it can impact the parts of your brain that handle attention, learning, mood, and impulse control, which typically keep developing until you’re 25. Your brain forms new memories and retains skills by strengthening connections, also known as synapses, between brain cells. Nicotine fundamentally changes the way these synapses form, as well as increases your risk of future drug addiction.

There are a number of reasons that nicotine use is especially damaging for young people, which is why it’s important to communicate with your child about the risks at an early age. However, if your child fell victim to nicotine use or addiction while under the age of 18 due to Juul products and advertising, you may have legal options for pursuing justice. There is ongoing litigation for parents of children who were harmed by Juul’s advertising, as well as young adults who were under 18 at the time that they started using Juul products. If you think you may be eligible, you should take steps to help connect with legal representation so you can receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

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